Saturday, March 18, 2006


Here are some drawings I bothered to scan, just for you..........

Here is a delightful cat.

Here's Bowser......I'll post a bunch of Nintendo drawings some other time....



Anonymous said...

Hey Rex, cool girl drawings. You should paint some of them sometime!

burgerlog said...

your stuff is wonderful!!!!

ryuku said...

so cute!!
I love cat!

christopher said...

Help! I'm in love with Rex's girls!

onemanpunkband said...

i bet you animate like jim tyre too. amazing!

Unknown said...

Yeah rex, It'd be cool if you could post some of your animation. It's pure genius!

CarolineJarvis said...

Great Characters! They're all hilarious... soo loose and free! Great work!

Rex said...

thanks guys!! your comments are really cool!

if anyone knows how to convert PLN files to quicktime or something, tell me and i'll post some animation.

david said...

haha i like that cat with the hat and scarf thing. thats really funny!

Benjamin Arcand said...

The girls are so HOT!