Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Cartoon Drawings 1


Steven M. said...

Great medieval drawings.

Seo Kim said...

bahaha love them!

Marlo said...

infinitely charming!

Rex said...

Thanks a lot Steven, Seo, and Marlo!!!

Bob Flynn said...

Rad. Especially the batch o' monsters.

Unknown said...

Hahaha! That tiger with the spiked ball on his tail is amazing!! You're one of a kind, Rex!

Jon McNally said...

Hooray! Love the curve on the lion's nose and the big honker on that tiger.

Rex said...

Bob, Nick, Jon, guys RAAAWWWK!!


o(^-^o)(o^-^)o o(^-^o)(o^-^)o

Chloe Cumming said...

It's like the whole world is a lot of fun funny fun

Rex said...

Thanks Chloe!

sistertempie said...

You should be working in Hollywood!!!

bizandlegis said...

Super blog and nice writings
Thanks for all posts
Thanks in advance for coming posts...
Keep writing...............
Biz and Legis
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