Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fish Party


Steven M. said...

Excellent drawing and coloring.

Kali Fontecchio said...

I like how fish are participating in the killing of other fish! That and the night time colors :P

Marlo said...

awww so cute..a cottage!

Rex Hackelberg, painter of light

Rex said...

Thanks you guys!!!

RooniMan, Kali, Marlo, you guys are the best!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The fish are really biting tonight. I love the pink tiger and just the fun coloring on this well done drawing.

Am I too late in commenting, Rex?

Rex said...

Thanks a lot, Roberto!!
It's never too late to comment! You're the best too!




Rex said...

Thanks Mitch and Pedro!!

I don't know that magazine, Zukerfeld.

Sherm said...

Joyful and beautiful! Thanks for another special dose of visual happiness ^_^

Rex said...

Thank you, Sherm!!

lucas accardo said...

Great Stuff Rex.

Long time no write!
The thing is i ran out of different ways of describing how good i think you are...
But i always check your blog, periodically.Silently!

Please keep us informed about that comic book you were working on!

Also is nice to see your picture, you are younger than i though!

PotatoFarmGirl said...

Oh Rex, I love how the color on the tiger pops!

Rex said...

Thanks, Lucas!
The comic book is on hiatus for retooling. I drew 35 pages and didn't like it, so I'm starting over in a new direction.

Thank you, Brianne!

lucas accardo said...

What follows is a desperate rant, a spontaneous reaction of your answer:
Oh god... Don't do that!
trust me it was just fine!
I know what im talking about, i continuously drop comics i don't like how they were coming out and then pic them up later and weren't to bad at all...
Now, knowing how skilled you are im positive that you just got too perfectionist with yourself, too obsessed even , maybe...
You know! That typical moment of many artists, when you just tray to reach a certain "perfection" that actually doesn't exist!

Anyway this was a desperate attempt to save those 35 pages, since its obviously going to fail i wonder if you could post them here?
No, uh? Well it was well worth trying...

Sighs and sobs from Buenos Aires.

Rex said...

You're probably right.

nickwatson said...

Hey Rex,
great meeting you at the festival on sunday. You have a great blog here!

Seo Kim said...

tee heee, so cute!

Rex said...

Thanks Nick and Seo!

David Germain said...

A pink tiger's diet consists of nothing but fish. You captured that fact exquisitely. Well done, sir. It was great meeting you in Ottawa.

Rex said...

Thanks David! It was nice meeting you as well.

Anonymous said...

Great colours Rex! You should make these "cute-amals" into a show!

Courtney Garvin said...

love your style and colours...amazing!

Rafa Toro said...

I´m flattered... I love your work so bad!

Rex said...

Thanks Sketchees, Courtney, and Rafa!!!

chachaberry said...

oh I love it! nice colours!!