Wednesday, January 31, 2007



Drake Brodahl (pumml) said...

Great textures, especially on the brown trees and stumps. Taking some inspiration from those Art Lozzi bgs John posted? Not that you need it, of course. You've got a great sense of depth and color.

Who would you say are your biggest painting and character drawing influences?

Kyle Marshall said...

love this background. Really enjoy the colors and the style you are working in, great work.

Marlo said...


Marlo said...


rose-a-petits-pois said...

youpi! A new post!!
wich is, by the way, fantastic :-)

I really love your colored backgrounds... and the design of trees!

Kevin Langley said...

Great background, I love those trees and stumps.

Rex said...

Thanks a lot everyone!

Hey Pumml, John's blog is the best.
Some of my favourite artists are Mary Blair, Eyvind Earle, Mel Crawford, Provensen's, Art Lozzi, Tom Oreb, Ed Benedict, Milt Gross, Bob Tupper, Kiraz..........and a million others!

Drake Brodahl (pumml) said...

Thanks for the reply Rex! Your favorite artist list and mine are very similar... and I see a lot of their influence in your work. Particularly Milt Gross in your character drawings and Lozzi, Provensen(s), Crawford, etc in your paintings. I'm not so familiar with Oreb, Tupper and Kiraz... will check them out.

Thanks again!


mrmerks said...

WOW this is so gorgeous! Great use of colours.

Freshyfresh said...

Nice painting! You have some great influences, that's the reason why your background paintings are so beautiful!
A question, where do you live in Canada exactly?

Ridd Sorensen said...

simple, not overthought, perfect! well done!

Rex said...

Hi Stefanie. I live near Toronto.

Benjamin Arcand said...

Great painting Rex!!!
I really like the way you painted those chopped trees.

Casey said...

I love this :)

Freshyfresh said...

Thanks for the answer! I ask that because I'm in Ottawa now and thought that we could meet us, but I think I'm too far away from you, what do you think?

Rex said...

It's too far. Have fun in Ottawa.

Paul B said...

what a wacky cartoons!!!

keep doing them!!!

David King said...

Hey--what great work! Tha characters and backgrounds are really inspiring!

I saw a link here over on Marc Crisafulli's blog--how'd it happen that I've never seen your work?? I must be retarded.

Keep up the good work!

Robert Hume said...

Wow great work you have on this blog! I just love the loose cartoonie drawings, and the fun Hanna Barbara inspired back ground paintings! Neat stuff! Keep it up man!