Saturday, December 10, 2005

drawings + bonus


JOHN said...

Pure fun and whimsical!

Freshyfresh said...

I don´t like your new stuff,your old drawings were much better. I was a big fan of you, but now it make me sad to see what you draw now. Please send some of your old stuff.

Eric Sturdevant said...

I'm totally loving all the wonderfully absurd artwork. Dee-lish!

Rex said...

that's a shame. especially since just last week i threw away ALL my old drawings. they're gone. forever. just learn to love my new shit.

Rex said...

thanks john & eric!

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

digging the dudes at the bottom

Clive said...
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Clive said...

Thank goodness you paid me short shrift in that BG painting course, Rex, it could have ruined you. Well, it was a BG course after all, and your work was nevertheless oozing so much charm I had to mop up under your desk at the end of class. The stuff on your site is wonderful and full of that eeirie charm. (I removed my last last comment to try and correct a grammatical error.) All the best to you and with your project(s)

Clive P.

Rex said...

hey Clive! thanks a lot! how's it going?! what are you up to these days?

Freshyfresh said...

To Rex: Why do you gave away your old pictures? They were so great. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Rex said...

Arschblog, they were drawings that were several years old and they looked terrible. I throw drawings away all the time, there are too many to keep.
maybe if you could tell me what you like about my old drawings, and what you don't like about my newer ones, i could understand what you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

you could sell your oldies in ebay hehe. i love this stuff rex you're so crazy w/ your drawings. real fun stuff!


Dane said...

I love that first one! It's really frightening.

Freshyfresh said...

Hello Rex; Your old work doesn´t looks terrible, when you find some of your old art then give it to me :D . I like your old drawings because it looks lively, cartoony, perfectly and it was very inspiring to me, your work reminds me in the work of Preston Blair. I think not many people in your age can draw this style so perfect like you, I could see that you love to draw Cartoons.
What I like on your new work (the colored pics) are how clean and pervect the colors you made. What I don´t like is that the most of it lost the most of it what I love. Your new sketches looks like kiddiedrawings (Sorry).
You can draw what you like as long it makes you happy. That´s only my opinion.

Rex said...

hey arschblog...thanks. i know you like that classic cartoon look. but i was getting too good. i had to take a few steps back and crap it up a bit. i'm inspired by shitty kids art now. don't worry i'm gonna post some old stuff just for you!
have you ever seen any paul rand kids book illustrations? i think you'd love them.

Freshyfresh said...

Thank you Rex!!!:D :D :D

Thanks for your tip, I ´ll look for it.

Ps:...what do you think about my stuff? Say what I could do better.